Re: translation issue, .po and .strings related questions

From: Raphael Finkel (
Date: Fri Jan 24 2003 - 15:16:06 EST

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: translation issue, .po and .strings related questions"

    As I mentioned,

    > from Raphael Finkel <>, Jan 24
    > I always have to manually go into the resulting strings file
    > (user/wp/strings/yi.strings) and remove one of the MSG_SpellSelectionDone
    > strings. I will try to track down why the script is giving us this
    > bogus entry.

    The problem is due to a malformed entry in src/wp/ap/xp/ap_String_Id.h,
    where for MSG_SpellSelectionDone there is an embedded comment. The Perl script
    is misinterpreting the comment. I have fixed in my copy of HEAD by
    replacing the line in src/wp/ap/xp/ap_String_Id.h to say:

    dcl(MSG_SpellSelectionDone, "AbiWord finished checking the selection.")
            // Do you want to continue checking the remainder of the document?"

    The error then disappears.

    By the way, please look at
    where I report other problems and propose a patch that partially fixes them.
    In short, multiple messages with the same strings ("duplicate messages") are
    getting dropped; my fix mostly retains duplicate messages, only asking the
    translator to translate each such message once. However, messages duplicated
    between the ap and xap strings are still dropped.

    I will work on that problem, but meanwhile, it would be helpful if someone
    would apply my patches to HEAD.


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