translation issue, .po and .strings related questions

From: Kenneth J. Davis (
Date: Thu Jan 23 2003 - 17:16:52 EST

  • Next message: Patrick Lam: "Re: commit: Layout horizontally with screen units."

    I have recently been helping to track down why some stringsets did not
    display (that is, when selected the menus etc would show up in English).

    So there are two things that I need help with.

    1) in ut_xml_expat.cpp around line 112 there is this chunk of code
          if (!XML_Parse (parser, buffer, length, done))
              UT_DEBUGMSG (("%s at line %d\n", XML_ErrorString (XML_GetErrorCode (parser)), XML_GetCurrentLineNumber (parser)));
              ret = UT_IE_IMPORTERROR;
    which you can see displays a nice diagnostic message with debug builds to
    the debug window (console/special app window/etc depending on platform).
    The problem is that I suspect many translators test their changes on a
    release build and will never see this message. Even if they are using a
    debug build, it is a very easy to overlook message (especially if you don't
    know what you are looking for). So how do I display a platform specific
    message at this point in AbiWord's startup using clean code that doesn't
    alter the UT code not relying on other code guide. I suppose on Unix
    and other sane systems this would be a simple printf, but on Windows
    (at least prior to NT5.1[XP]) it will need to be a MessageBox. Should I create
    another UT class for displaying a message box or printing to console
    (as platform appropriate), use XAP_Frame's showMessageBox (which seems
    bad to me), or not bother and let other translators/users wonder what's
    up when the strings show up in English?

    2) issue two, not being very familiar with how the .po files are
    generated/converted other than there are some Perl scripts to aid
    in this (which I unfortunately do not know perl), I was wondering
    if someone could help me determine if this is still an issue or
    not. We have a .po file that ended up with this:

    #. MSG_SpellSelectionDone
    #. " Do you want to continue checking the remainder of the document?");
    #. /* DLG_FR_FinishedReplace
    #: po/tmp/ap_String_Id.h.h:329
    msgid "AbiWord finished checking the selection."
    msgstr ""

    #: po/tmp/ap_String_Id.h.h:331
    #, c-format
    msgid "AbiWord has finished its search of the document and has made %d replacements."
    msgstr ""

    Note that DLG_FR_FinishedReplace should be the message id for string 331
    here, but it is instead stuck inside the section for string 329 above. The
    resulting strings file ended up having a duplicate ID (both translated
    messages had MSG_SpellSelectionDone as their id, hence the strings file
    aborted loading. My question for those with access and some knowledge of
    perl, is this just a weird quirk that happened somehow, or if the
    (as indicated on abisource's webpage for translations) is ran, does it
    produce a correct .po[t] file?

    Thank you,
    Jeremy Davis

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