Import/Export of DocBook and XSL-FO

From: Larin Hennessy (
Date: Wed Mar 05 2003 - 15:35:44 EST

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: Import/Export of DocBook and XSL-FO"

    Hi all.

    I am somewhat new to abiword, but I like what I have seen, and wanted
    to help out.

    I have been looking into PR 1812 (DocBook import problems),
    and I started looking at the import and export code for DocBook and XSL-FO.

    There seemed to be a mix of C++ style casts and C style casts in these two
    importers. Looking at the mailing-list archives, it looks like an
    effort is underway
    to convert to the C++ style casts. To that end, I went ahead and
    converted both
    the DocBook and XSL-FO plugins to use the new C++ style casts exclusively.
    It also appeared that a reinterpret_cast was being performed incorrectly
    in the
    XSL-FO code: also fixed.

    Looking at the code produced by the docbook exporter, the code being
    referenced an old DOCTYPE. I changed it to reference the current standard.

    I also changed the IE_Imp_DocBook_Sniffer::recognizeContents identification
    string to the first part of the DocBook DTD string. As I understand
    things, this
    DTD is a requirement to be a valid DocBook document.

    All of these changes have been tested under i686-linux-gnu with various test
    documents to verify correct behaviour.

    Both patches were generated against CVS HEAD.

    Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

    Larin Hennessy
    College of Science
    Oregon State University

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