gdb trace for RTF import crash.

From: Seth Delackner (
Date: Fri Mar 07 2003 - 21:09:20 EST

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: gdb trace for RTF import crash."

    I have a file that seems to kill the RTF importer. It is about 4 megabytes, so
    my apologies for not testing to see if a smaller chunk of it would be enough :

    Here's the important gdb output to see what lines of code killed it:

    I'll leave the patching to someone a bit more familiar with the code.

    The HTML exporter seems to manage alright on this huge .Doc , though it does
    take a million years. Is there any way to get a percentage completion estimate
    from the impexp filters? Perhaps it would be easy to add, perhaps not?

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