Re: gdb trace for RTF import crash.

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Fri Mar 07 2003 - 21:23:38 EST

  • Next message: Marc Maurer: "Re: Commit: some of Larin's work"

    --- Seth Delackner <> wrote:
    > The HTML exporter seems to manage alright on this
    > huge .Doc , though it does
    > take a million years. Is there any way to get a
    > percentage completion estimate
    > from the impexp filters? Perhaps it would be easy
    > to add, perhaps not?

    Q: how does the HTML exporter handle this if it can
    never be imported without crashing? Did you mean RTF
    exporter above? It's a MSWord doc, so the RTF importer
    isn't getting used.

    Also, it's hard to make a reliable, accurate guess as
    to what position within the file you're at with
    respect to the total processing needed.
    ftell()/fsize() won't cut it for importing, and that
    information isn't always available anyway. It's a
    similar case for export. We could come up with
    something that's okay-ish, but it wouldn't ever be
    perfect, and I think it'd be a hack.

    I will look into import/export problems with this doc,
    though, tomorrow.


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