Re: gdb trace for RTF import crash.

From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Sun Mar 09 2003 - 05:13:42 EST

  • Next message: Marc Maurer: "Re: AbiWord Weekly News #133-4 (2003, week 09-10) released"

    On Sat, 8 Mar 2003, Seth Delackner wrote:

    > On Friday, March 7, 2003, at 06:23 PM, Dom Lachowicz wrote:
    > > Q: how does the HTML exporter handle this if it can
    > > never be imported without crashing? Did you mean RTF
    > > exporter above? It's a MSWord doc, so the RTF importer
    > > isn't getting used.
    > Right, sorry about that. The bug is in the RTF exporter. Import works
    > just fine. All of this is code running from abiconvert, but just to be
    > sure I tried the import/export in FJFranklin's debug build, and got the
    > same (actually worse) outcome: it just hung completely on the export.

    First off file a bug in bugzilla along with the document that caused the
    problem. I have noticed these bugs in the RTF exporter for complex docs
    with Tables. I will get around to fixing them eventually.

    I have a number of tricks for diagnosing the problem on export. The first
    and most obvious is to run abiword in gdb catch the crash and see what
    went wrong.

    The there are various helpful methods in the pd_Document class for
    obtaining the tsate of the piecetable and for printing out the text of the
    document. You can use that to see where in the document the crash

    > As for percent completion, barring that, it would be helpful to be able
    > to get some kind of a "I'm not hung, really" indicator when huge
    > documents take aeons to process.

    It would be nice to get a percent output status. In the case of export it
    is a bit easier. A useful metric would be record the position of the most
    rrecent BlockStrux position and compare it to the total size of the

    If you like you could put a debugmsg to print it to the terminal while you
    debug your applicaton.

    Images would screw things up a bit but it would not be too far off.

    However as a general rule export is very very fast. ESpecially to *.abw



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