stripping symbols not used by plugins

From: Seth Delackner (
Date: Wed Mar 12 2003 - 14:51:57 EST

  • Next message: Seth Delackner: "building wmf plugin on OS X?"

    So I'm trying really hard to minimize the size of my abiconvert executable.
    For plugin support, I have two options it seems.

    1. 'strip -u -r -S -x' will leave behind only global non-debug symbols.
    2. I can determine the specific subset of global symbols that are used
    (or might be used) by plugins, and strip all globals except those.

    The difference between 1 and 2 is roughly 600k (3.2 meg versus 3.8). Any

    Oh, and many many thanks to fjf for helping me even get plugins building on OS

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