Paper for GUADEC.

From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Wed Mar 19 2003 - 09:20:24 EST

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    AbiWord 2.0 - The next step.

    Dr. Martin Sevior
    Associate Professor
    School of Physics
    University Of Melbourne
    Victoria, Australia

    Telephone: +61-3-8344-5438

    I'm 44 years old which definately puts me in the Older People of
    Gnome club. I'm Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne. My
    field of research is Experimental Particle Physics. I started programming
    at age 18 on Z80 microprocessors, wrote my thesis in my own visual editor
    (to learn C) and starting hacking on AbiWord in 1999 to read all those MS
    Word docs Secretaries at my Uni were sending me. We have use Linux and
    Gnome extensively in Department and I actually use the program I hack on
    every day of my working life.

    It was with great joy that I learned my old college in Melbourne (Trinity
    College!) was using AbiWord to teach Word Processing skills. I was
    definately the first person at Trinity to have their own Personal

    I would appreciate help with travel. Particularly the cost of travelling
    from within Europe to GUADEC and the cost of local accomodation.

    The AbiWord team has spent the last year refactoring the code-base and
    making long term investments in the core of the application. At the same
    time we have added the most requested new Features. Tables, Footnotes,
    Endnotes, Anti-aliased Text, automatic font detection, Mail Merge and
    Revision Marks. The AbiWord team will continue to provide the Gnome
    desktop with a fully integrated, fast, feature-rich and exceptionally easy
    to use word processor - a core application of any modern desktop. The
    AbiWord bonobo control enables any Gnome application that needs to have
    document capability with an easy to use, embeddable word processor.

    The presentation will demonstrate the features of AbiWord as a stand-alone
    program, as a command-line driven application and how to embed it in
    any GNOME application.

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