ATTN: Intend to release 1.9.1 on Sunday

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Wed Apr 30 2003 - 23:58:16 EDT

  • Next message: Martin Sevior: "commit: Gnome-print prints Symbol fonts."

    In the spirit of "release early, release often",
    Martin and I are planning to release 1.9.1 on Sunday.
    It has a lot of nice bugfixes and incremental
    improvements. Jordi and Martin keep on squashing the
    bugs as they're filed :)

    1.9.0 was a *huge* success. Bugzilla has been flooded
    with reports against it - much more so than any
    previous release to my knowledge. We've been getting
    about 2000 downloads per day lately from alone (grand total at 2.36 million
    downloads from in a mere 423 days).

    My only major show-stopper is the win32 keyboard code.
    I can't in good conscience release a build where
    Ctlr+S doesn't save your document. These need to be
    fixed as soon as possible or the changes need to be

    Tamlin is working on the infamous Win32 printing bug
    (the DEVMODE issue mentioned on-list the other day).
    Hopefully he'll have a patch for us to try out in a
    day or so.

    So, if all things go well (and we programmers are
    categorically optimists), the tree will close for
    1.9.1 on Sunday at noon, US EST.


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