ABI Word Tutorial

From: Andrew Wong (dr_wong98@yahoo.com)
Date: Sat May 03 2003 - 02:19:57 EDT

  • Next message: Tomas Frydrych: "Re: Win32 printing"

    Dear ABI Word:

    We are writing you this letter, so as to let you know
    that we have created a resource that we believe could
    be very beneficial for the users of ABI Word. And what
    is this resource? Well enclosed you will find an
    address that will direct you to a website containing
    an online tutorial for your program.

    When creating this tutorial, it came to our attention
    that we would need to make a document that was going
    to be task oriented and user specific. Realizing that
    many of your users are going to be students, open
    source proponents, etc… We decided to focus our
    tutorial on some of what we believe will be the most
    common tasks completed. i.e. resumes, letters, flyers,

    While this is only a first draft and we realize that
    there are many issues that still need to be covered,
    we hope that you will be able to use what we have
    created, as a supplemental learning aid for your
    program. We also encourage everyone to make the
    changes and or additions that they see fit. You will
    find that all of the CSS is located within specific
    folders, and easily labeled to help with the editing

    We thank you for you time and diligence in creating
    this program.


    Bryant Valentine
    Andrew Wong

    Here is the link to the tutorial :

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