Re: commit (HEAD): prefs

From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Sat May 03 2003 - 11:36:47 EDT

  • Next message: Tomas Frydrych: "commit (HEAD): fix 4125"

    Hi Andrew,

    > > Added XP and win32 code for GUI control of
    > > XAP_PREF_KEY_DirMarkerAfterClosingParenthesis
    > > preference.
    > Hi Tomas. This would be a very very cryptic to all
    > users including ones used to BIDI computing.

    This is just a commit message :), I am working on proper docs of the
    bidi functionality to go with the 2.0 release.

    > Is there a reason to ever turn this preference off?
    > Can't we make it so that it "just works"?
    When the preference is turned on, every closing parenthesis is
    affixed with an LRM or RLM character based on currently set language
    (similarly opening parenthesis and similar are prefixed). Not every
    user might want to have the extra character inserted in, particularly
    folk who only produce LTR documents might be puzzled by the extra
    character -- so it defaults to off.

    I am considering creating a master switch preference "Bidi support
    not required" which would turn number of bidi-related things off (not
    the actual reordering, that is too integral to the way we work now),
    but it would control things like glyphshaping, insertion of direction
    markers, extra processing that is required for bidi documents in
    certain importers. For instance, in Word we have to jump through
    hoops when imorting a bidi document, inserting extra direction
    markers, etc., to obtain identical layout to Word's. Yet, if the doc
    is not actually bidi, these are all superfluous and potentially
    confusing to the user, but we have not found a simple way of
    determining whether Word doc is bidi or not. With this preference set
    we would not bother, but if in the process we would encounter an RTL
    character we would either issue a dialogue asking the user if s/he
    wants the document reloaded in the full-blown bidi mode, or we would
    reload it automatically -- I am not entirely sure about which is
    preferrable here, but more inclined to go the dialogue way.


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