Re: MinGW's commctrl.h

From: Stephen Viles (
Date: Thu May 22 2003 - 06:47:25 EDT

  • Next message: Daniel Glassey: "Re: Notes on Win32 Unicode/Unicows work"

    21/05/03 1:49:53 PM, Andrew Dunbar <> wrote:

    >My MinGW with latest version of everything chokes in
    >xap_Win32FrameImpl.cpp line # 826
    >The commctrl.h that I have does not define
    >which we reference in our code.
    >Because I also have some commercial Win32 compilers I
    >was able to use a better commctrl.h to solve this
    >but other users won't be so lucky.
    >Patching the MinGW header myself seemed much more
    >difficult that I was expecting so I gave up.
    >Does anybody else hit this problem?

    I found this exact problem ten days ago while trying to build 1.9.1
    with MSYS 1.0.8 and MinGW 2.0.0-3.

    I installed the individual package updates for MinGW:

    Binutils: binutils-2.13.90-20021006-2.tar.gz
    W32api: w32api-2.2.tar.gz
    MinGW Runtime: mingw-runtime-2.4.tar.gz

    and everything built fine (no donut for me). w32api-2.2 alone may be
    enough to get the required commctrl.h file.

    Jeremy Davis explains the problem and solution in
    KJD> After chatting with Jordi some, if you wait for a short while, then a
    KJD> workaround (i.e. us defining them when not available or something) will
    KJD> be committed to cvs [so commctrl.h won't need to be patched], to hopefully
    KJD> allow it to again compile for those using MSYS/MinGW again.
    KJD> Please do let us know though if you run across any more of these
    KJD> undefined values, as they may continue to slip in when MSVC 6+ has them
    KJD> defined but MinGW's w32api does not.

    >The other thing blocking MinGW working for me is that
    >I can't link to libexpat. That may be due to changes
    >in the newer expat but I'm not sure yet.
    >Does this sound familiar?

    Current expat links fine for me. I have had some other linking problems though.
    Deleting the offending library and object files, then re-building, seems to fix
    the problem. I'm not sure why it doesn't work first time, but I don't have the
    skills to find out.

    Cheers - Stephen.

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