re: localise normal.awt (bidi options)

From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Wed May 28 2003 - 13:36:54 EDT

  • Next message: Mark Gilbert: "Commit (HEAD): fix abicommand plugin for new find stuff"

    At 07:37 AM 5/28/03 -0700, Dom Lachowicz wrote:
    >That said, templates can contain a lot more than just
    >style information. While I can see some cases where it
    >would be useful to link documents with templates, it's
    >not clear to me that in the majority of cased you'd
    >want old documents to have their styles/content/other
    >changed when their base template changed, or when
    >documents were transferred across computers. It's not
    >clear that you want your document to look differently
    >on another's machine just because their definition of
    >'Normal' differs from yours. I much prefer the current
    >situation to the proposed one.

    IIRC, the way the Word UI works is as follows:

    1. Changes to a template are automatically applied to new docs.
    2. They're not automatically applied to existing docs.
    3. However, the styles in a document *can* be manually refreshed to
         sync with the current state of any template, particularly the one
         it was created with.

    I think Dom's arguing for #2, while Tomas et al would like #3. Fortunately,
    these behaviors don't need to conflict. ;-)

    The real question is how prominently to expose #3 in the UI, no? IIRC, it's
    buried fairly deeply in the Word UI, and that might not be such a bad thing.


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