commit (HEAD): document iterators

From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Mon Nov 10 2003 - 15:39:37 EST

  • Next message: Daniel Glassey: "[Fwd: rendering API]"

    This is the gist:

        class UT_TextIterator: pure abstract class that defines generic
        iterator API so that we can pass references to iterators in and out
        of all kinds of functions

        derived classes
        two slightly different iterators over the text of a document; the
        former can iterate over the entire document, the latter iterates from
        a given strux forward. They use slightly different mechanisms for
        moving around, making them suited to different things;
        PD_StruxIterator is functionally equivalent to the getSpanPtr()

    I have now replaced first batch of getSpanPtr() calls in fp_TextRun
    with PD_StruxIterator, hope to do the remainder later this week.

    files: ut_TextIterator.h, pd_Iterator.h/cpp, fp_TextRun.h/cpp, ptbl


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