Re: Valencian supporter by UE's European Charter of Minority Languages

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Mon Nov 10 2003 - 15:41:51 EST

  • Next message: Tomas Frydrych: "commit (HEAD): document iterators"

    Here is what we are going to do. There will be no more
    arguing about it.

    RFC 3066 specifies how to combine language and country
    codes into a full language identifier:

    It makes reference to the list of recognised 'extras'
    which don't follow from ISO 636-1 (two letter codes),
    ISO 636-2 (three letter codes), or ISO 3166 (country

    This list includes the likes of Klingon, but not
    Valencian. However, The instructions in RFC 3066 seem
    to indicate that the following would be correct:


    First, prefer the two letter code for Catalan over the
    three letter version. Use hyphens to separate
    subtypes. Use a lowercase x for a private namespace.
    Arbitrarily choose "val" for Valencian, since none of
    the other sublanguages of Catalan start with those
    letters. Put it in lowercase to match the other
    sublanguages in the well-known list.

    Thus, the file's name will be 'ca-x-val_ES.strings'
    until there is an official ISO 636 language code for

    Somebody 'cvs add' this, and end this thread.


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