commit: Split Cells, Format Frame Dialogs, table fixes.

Date: Sat Nov 22 2003 - 10:38:31 EST

  • Next message: Jordi Mas: "Re: commit: fixes 5994"

    CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
    CVS: Committing in .
    CVS: Modified Files:
    CVS: src/text/fmt/xp/fl_ContainerLayout.cpp
    CVS: src/text/fmt/xp/fl_ContainerLayout.h
    CVS: src/text/fmt/xp/fl_TableLayout.cpp
    CVS: src/text/fmt/xp/fp_TableContainer.cpp
    CVS: src/text/fmt/xp/fp_TableContainer.h
    CVS: src/text/fmt/xp/fv_View.cpp src/text/fmt/xp/fv_View.h
    CVS: src/text/fmt/xp/fv_View_cmd.cpp
    CVS: src/text/ptbl/xp/pp_Property.cpp
    CVS: src/text/ptbl/xp/pp_Property.h src/wp/ap/Makefile
    CVS: src/wp/ap/cocoa/ap_CocoaDialog_All.h src/wp/ap/qnx/Makefile
    CVS: src/wp/ap/qnx/ap_QNXDialog_All.h src/wp/ap/unix/
    CVS: src/wp/ap/unix/Makefile src/wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixDialog_All.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/unix/
    CVS: src/wp/ap/win/Makefile src/wp/ap/win/ap_Win32Dialog_All.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/win/ap_Win32Dialog_FormatTable.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ src/wp/ap/xp/Makefile
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Dialog_Id.h src/wp/ap/xp/ap_EditMethods.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_LB_Default.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Menu_ActionSet.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Menu_Functions.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Menu_Functions.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Menu_Layouts_MainMenu.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_String_Id.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_TB_Layouts_TableOps.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Toolbar_ActionSet.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Toolbar_Functions.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Toolbar_Functions.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Toolbar_Icons_All.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_TopRuler.cpp
    CVS: Added Files:
    CVS: shots/wp/unix/FormatFrame.png shots/wp/unix/SplitCells.png
    CVS: src/wp/ap/cocoa/ap_CocoaDialog_FormatFrame.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/cocoa/ap_CocoaDialog_SplitCells.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/qnx/ap_QNXDialog_FormatFrame.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/ap/qnx/ap_QNXDialog_FormatFrame.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/qnx/ap_QNXDialog_SplitCells.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/ap/qnx/ap_QNXDialog_SplitCells.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixDialog_FormatFrame.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/ap/unix/
    CVS: src/wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixDialog_FormatFrame.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixDialog_SplitCells.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixDialog_SplitCells.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/win/ap_Win32Dialog_FormatFrame.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/ap/win/ap_Win32Dialog_FormatFrame.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/win/ap_Win32Dialog_SplitCells.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/ap/win/ap_Win32Dialog_SplitCells.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Dialog_FormatFrame.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Dialog_FormatFrame.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Dialog_SplitCells.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ap_Dialog_SplitCells.h
    VS: src/wp/ap/xp/ToolbarIcons/tb_SplitAbove.xpm
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ToolbarIcons/tb_SplitBelow.xpm
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ToolbarIcons/tb_SplitHoriMid.xpm
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ToolbarIcons/tb_SplitLeft.xpm
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ToolbarIcons/tb_SplitRight.xpm
    CVS: src/wp/ap/xp/ToolbarIcons/tb_SplitVertMid.xpm
    CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Split Cells and Format Frame dialogs plus some table fixes. Format Frame
    isn't finished.

    See the screen shots commited to the shots directory for what these
    dialogs looks like. They're both Modeless. The SplitCells dialogs looks
    similar to
    the MergeCell dialog but there are 6 buttons now. (split top, middle,
    bottom, split left, middle, right). The splitcells dialogs is only active
    on cells with one or more merged rows/columns. The dialog will only let
    you split rows/columns that are merged.

    There is one last bug to be fixed. That is the cursor doesn't go into the
    correct cell after a split.

    The FormatFrame dialog right now is just a copy/paste of the format Table
    dialogs with some appropriate changes. The backend to actually apply the
    change hasn't been written yet. I will do this very soon.

    I have implemented SplitCells and FormatFrames on Win32, Cocoa and QNX but
    simply copying the MergeCells and FormatTable dialogs with some changes
    that will hopefully allow them to compile. However I haven't tested them
    so I've almost certainly broken the build on Win32, QNX and Cocoa.


    Please fix to get them to compile then examine the screenshots to see how
    you might like to implement the dialogs in your platform. Because of the
    similarity with the MergeCell and FormatTame dialogs I expect it won't be
    too hard to get these going.

    Finally I fixed some Table Bugs caused by our binary search for cell
    algorithmin. Unfortunately this doesn;t work for many types of
    I've implemented a boring and slow Linear search for cells if the binary
    cell search fails.

    Anyway, Enjoy our New Features :-)


    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Sat Nov 22 2003 - 10:38:06 EST