New CVS-HEAD bugs (on at least Win32, since Nov 13!)

From: Ryan Pavlik (
Date: Fri Nov 28 2003 - 00:12:43 EST

  • Next message: Martin Sevior: "commit: More footnote fixes."

    Hello! Now that I've got my CVS-HEAD builds properly compiling on my
    Win32 boxen, I've noticed a bunch of bugs soon after opening my fresh
    binaries. None of the following bugs existed before Nov 13, my last
    nightly build. (Except for one. That one just changed a bit since then,
    so I'm including it anyway.)

    Win32 Windows Accumulate Dirt from Windows Objects
    This one is pretty icky, and pretty apparent once you try to do anything
    in HEAD. It seems like it would be Windows only, and Uwog seemed to
    confirm my suspicions. He also added:
    "<uwogZzz> RyanPavlik: please mention that... and "Uwog thinks it's
    caused by martins 1-pixel-off-cliprect-stuff"". Check out the bug
    report for some detailed explanations, screen shots, and hypothesizing.

    Display Error with Last Letter of Italicized Text
    This is the one that changed a bit. It actually got a good bit worse
    since then, so I felt it prudent to include it on this list. See report
    for lots of screen shots and a test case, and the very simple
    reproduction instructions.

    Cursor does not reflect location in text
    This appears to either be the reincarnation of an older bug, or perhaps
    a totally new bug with similar symptoms (which is what I suspect). As I
    mention in my report, I'm wondering if all these proportional font
    problems are stemming from the same core problem, that is, width
    rounding goof-ups and inconsisencies that appear only when zoom is a
    non-multiple-of-100. In any case, look into it and it's reported link
    to another earlier bug where I go into a bit more detail about some
    research I did on this.

    Vertical Ruler Disappears with Horizontal Window Resize and zoom of Page
    This is just a strange one. It is exactly what the summary says, and
    that's about all you need to know to reproduce it.

    Selection changes font spacing, displays large blank space before and
    after selection
    Again, as in 6114, this bug does not exhibit unless zoom is not a
    multiple of 100 (100% and 200% look and work just fine). Something is
    seeming very similar about all of these... (6114, 6116, and 5747, as
    linked in 6114)

    I've still got a few more bugs to report, but I'll do those tomorrow.
    They aren't "new" like these, they've been in there for a bit.

    Hope this helps someone, and thanks!


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