win32 dialog refactoring and unicode

From: Daniel Glassey (
Date: Tue Oct 07 2003 - 19:14:53 EDT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: win32 dialog refactoring and unicode"

    Just to let you know I'm having another go at making a unicode build for
    win32. M Pritchett's dialog refactoring has been a great help so
    basically what I've been doing so far is continuing with that and
    marking any awkward functions to use the ansi version with a TODO for later.

    Since it is part of 2.2 and the refactoring should have no effect will
    it be ok for me to just commit it or will someone want to review it? I'm
    just talking about gui refactoring and explicitly setting some gui funcs
    to use the ansi version for now not any keyboard or graphics class changes.

    btw it isn't quite ready for it yet but in order to try and avoid
    regressions we will need testers on as many versions of windows as
    possible in different intl bits. (My win9x box has died so alas I can't
    do any checking on win9x so I need help with this).

    oh, and one more thing, once we have this working, I'd like to suggest
    that we make it that translations are _only_ to be in utf8 encoding (I
    think it will simplify things a lot on windows to be able to assume what
    encoding they are in) or would that cause problems on other platforms,
    or would it be a problem for translators?


    Commit: src/af/util/xp/ut_vector.h - __const doesn't work on msvc6

    P.P.S. src/af/util/xp/ut_string.cpp doesn't compile because strings.h
    doesn't exist on msvc6 - could whoever put it in decide what ifdefs they
    want please.

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