Re: Commit (HEAD): fix win32 font mess

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Thu Oct 09 2003 - 14:42:00 EDT

  • Next message: Robert Wilhelm: "Re: replacing UT_StringPtrMap with UT_UTF8Hash"

    > Can you see the difference between how the document
    > looks in Abiword 1 and
    > Abiword 2? Can you see how the page width does looks
    > rare?
    > Abiword 2.00 shows the document very differently to
    > Abiword 1 or Word. I'm not
    > complaining, I'm just saying that it's visually
    > noticeable for me hoping that
    > it helps to fix the problem.

    That implies that you think that it is a problem. I'm
    not convinced. There are rounding errors between
    characters in the 2 abiword shots shown there. We'll
    do our best to stabilize that math so that we
    eliminate these kinds of buglets.

    However, I think that we now finally get it right, and
    AbiWord 1.0 and MSWord get it wrong. Also, MSWord
    doesn't always break runs/pages correctly when
    changing zoom, or when printing. We do.

    I suspect that MSWord is rendering at 72 DPI, like the
    win32 graphics class *used* to. Abi now renders at the
    screen's DPI, which is 96. I had asked you to make
    'GR_Win32Graphics::getDeviceResolution()' return 72,
    and then report the results. What are the results?

    In short, I don't see the problem. And if there is a
    "problem", I don't see how it's a bad thing. If my
    hunch is correct - that changing the DPI to 72 will
    make it look "right" again - we're doing the right
    thing and (in short) everyone else is wrong.


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