Win32 (WordPerfect) plugin(s)

From: J.M. Maurer (
Date: Wed Oct 22 2003 - 10:56:46 EDT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: Re[2]: Packaging wishes for 2.0.1"

    Could the wordperfect plugin be build on win32 as well? I made a win32 libwpd
    developer release (ie. a lib file and the needed header files) available on

    Could someone try to build it? and if succesfull, i'd like it to be included
    into the default 2.0.1 package.

    Btw, i'd _really_ would like to see the the plugins available in the same
    installer package as AbiWord itself as well. If they are installed or not should
    be an option imo (default: on). I'm sick and tired of dealing with unsatisfied
    users that are flaming 'us' for the lack of A, B or C, all of which are most of
    the time available in our plugin set.


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