Re[2]: Packaging wishes for 2.0.1

From: Kenneth J. Davis (
Date: Wed Oct 22 2003 - 10:43:50 EDT

  • Next message: J.M. Maurer: "Win32 (WordPerfect) plugin(s)"

    On 22 Oct 2003 15:43:14 +0200 Marc Maurer <> wrote:

    MM> > succeed. If a user needs to support these image file formats, said
    MM> > user should install the plugins! Otherwise why have them as a
    MM> plugin?
    MM> To keep our core clean.
    MM> Marc

    Our core can be just as clean without them being a plugin, for
    example consider the work for incorporating the importer/exporters
    on platforms that do not support plugins. If an importer/exporter
    is required to complete a build, it is required, having it split
    into an executable and shared object makes little difference than
    being in a single executable if the code is nearly identical and
    the dependencies are the same. [Yes in theory, having part of
    the code in a shared object does allow for upgrades, but at the
    moment we only release plugins at the same time as we release
    complete builds, and many updates to our plugins are to take
    advantage of, or changes because of, features added/changed in the
    rest of our code, so that argument does not yet apply. Arguably,
    until we have a stable importer/exporter ABI, it simplifies
    matters to have a monolithic build.]


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