Commit: win32 native image loader

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Thu Oct 23 2003 - 20:22:56 EDT

  • Next message: "commit: Save/restore Text boxes. Text boxes go exactly where you put them."

    Only in HEAD at the moment -

    This does a few things:

    1) Closes some memory leaks/double deletes/bogus
    2) Don't use a temporary file - write directly to the
    3) Remove the .h file, change the class' name so it
    doesn't conflict with the BMP plugin's symbols
    4) Internalize a bunch of symbols that shouldn't be
    5) Moved it to win/ removed xp/

    This hasn't gotten enough testing yet. Hopefully we'll
    bang on it pretty hard over the next few days.

    Best regards,

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