Quotes for the 2.0 press release

From: Dom Lachowicz (domlachowicz@yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Sep 05 2003 - 17:07:00 EDT

  • Next message: Hubert Figuiere: "Re: Patch:4939"

    For the record, Crowell Systems is a company that
    contracted me to do some AbiWord work for them.
    Specifically that burst of mail-merge related work.
    They're deploying AbiWord 2.0 on Linux on tens of
    thousands of seats.

    Here are 3 official quotes from their PR department
    that we're probably going to put into the press

    "The speed, ease of use, and customizability of
    AbiWord made upgrading our customers from Windows
    desktop to MfxLinux Desktop a do-able task."

    "AbiWord is directly invoked by our server application
    for the users desktop and feeds the mail merge fields
    from our Database. It's interface is easier to use
    than Microsoft's mail merge, which consequentially
    eased our customer's transition to the MfxLinux
    Desktop dramatically."

    "Support for AbiWord via the mailing lists and email
    has been incredible! We have had bug fixes in under 24
    hours...and you can't get that from Microsoft, even
    *if* you paid through the nose!"

    Here are a few quotes from one of the developers I've
    been working with on the project:

    "If you need quotes, I can give you a few, since I am
    still impressed by AbiWord's speed and ease of use.
    And our customers and trainers have said the interface
    to creating mail-merge documents is head and shoulders
    above the MS's."

    "And personally, thanx for making a really kick-ass
    piece of software that has made my life easier at
    work, and that I use almost exclusively for my
    personal desktop publishing needs."



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