Re: otf fonts

From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Mon Sep 08 2003 - 10:14:19 EDT

  • Next message: Pierre Abbat: "Re: Finnish strings update"

    At 1:50 PM -0400 9/6/03, James H. Cloos Jr. wrote:
    >Obviosuly, as an Adobe invention,

            OTF is actually a joint development between Adobe and
    Microsoft to solve the TTF vs. T1 battle - and create a single font
    format that can be used on all OS platform with advanced
    typographical features.

    >they are designed to be readily used in ps/pdf output.

            Not really, since neither PDF or PS support OTF fonts.

            What you end up doing is to "unwrap" the OTF part of the
    font, get down to the TTF or T1 internals and then use that as
    output. This is fine for PS/PDF output, because all of the
    OTF-specific stuff is only necessary at layout time, NOT "static

    >I can track down suitably licensed example
    >code shoing how they should be output to ps or pdf if that helps.

            iText ( is an open source Java
    library that supports OTF fonts.


    Leonard Rosenthol                            <>

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