ATTN: Tree branched

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Tue Sep 16 2003 - 23:03:53 EDT

  • Next message: Hubert Figuiere: "Re: ATTN: Tree branched"

    cvs rtag -b ABI-2-0-0-STABLE abi abidistfiles
    abiword-docs abiword-plugins wv

    If you guys want/need more, feel free to tag them too.

    HEAD will probably be unstable in terms of both code
    and build systems, at least in this upcoming month or

    Those less daring developers, please stick with the
    2.0 STABLE branch. I imagine that there will be quite
    a lot of work on this branch and cross-porting between
    the branches initially.

    Everyone is, of course, invited and encouraged to
    follow HEAD development. We'll need people fixing
    things up, especially on platforms the lead developers
    don't have access to personally. Your work is greatly

    I offer my deepest and sincerest apologies for all the
    inconvenience this is about to cause. Please follow us
    - it'll definitely be worth it.


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