ATTN: intend to switch to the enchant spell checking engine

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Thu Sep 18 2003 - 16:53:11 EDT

  • Next message: Marc Maurer: "Commit (HEAD): Fix bug 5802"

    Hi guys,

    I'm sending this out as a "head's up" that I
    eventually intend to switch HEAD over to exclusively
    use Enchant. No one has complained violently to me so
    far about this. If you've got gripes, well, now's your
    last chance to have them listened to and considered.

    I don't intend to change anything until October 1 at
    earliest. This gives you guys about 2 weeks to settle
    things out for platforms != unix. I know that Enchant
    builds on Win32 using both MSVC and MinGW. It should
    work fine on MacOSX too.

    Note that Enchant currently requires Glib-2.0, as does
    the proposed switch to LibGSF. GLib-2.0 runs nicely on
    at least Win32, Unix, and probably QNX and BeOS too.
    Both sources and binaries are available for Glib-2.0
    on these platforms.

    Since we ship with a copy of Myspell and Ispell built
    into Enchant, we will support at least Ispell and
    Myspell "out of the box" on all our platforms.

    We *should* be able to keep using the current global
    Ispell dictionary directory, so that our users don't
    have any adverse effects by upgrading Abi. Enchant's
    backends query registry values to see where to look
    for things. We should be able to tweak this
    appropriately in our installer.

    Anyway, your thoughts are appreciated on this - and
    the sooner, the better.


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