Abiword Spelling questions

From: Alan Horkan (horkana@maths.tcd.ie)
Date: Fri Sep 19 2003 - 14:48:51 EDT

  • Next message: Kenneth J. Davis: "commit: update NSIS 2 work"

    I recently transcribed a fairly long article using Abiword 2.0 on windows
    (a build from Jordi I think it was) which got me thinking ...

    If a word is incorrectly spelled it should appear in the Change to: box,
    selected and ready to be changed. The Change to box seems to be populated
    based only on the suggestions, but if there are no suggestions it gets
    left empty.

    Spelling dialog a Cancel button, which is a bit odd as you cannot actually
    Cancel the spelling changes, you can only Close the dialog when you are
    done. I'd suggest keeping it simple and replacing Cancel with Close, as
    opposed to worry about anything more complicated like 'Finished' or

    I feel it might be generally useful if the spelling dialog was non-modal.

    I only noticed that it was modal when trying to correct a fairly odd
    typing error. I mistyped the word "influence" as "influenc eo",
    but correcting using the spellchecker left me with an extra 'eo' stranded
    but there is no convenient way to get rid of it, you would have to
    close the dialog and delete it.

    I guess this could be corrected by allowing the spellchecker to change
    things to nothing, null, blank, thereby removing them. The "Change To:"
    box in the spellchecking dialog expects at least one character, but I want
    to get rid of the word. Presumably there is no reason why i shouldn't
    provide a patch to remove this restriction (i did something similar for
    Find and Replace, way back when).

    The spell checker was quite dissapointing, I didn't realise quite how poor
    ispell really was until now. I misspelt time as teim but time was nowhere
    on the suggestions list. The spellchecker code needs to be smarter about
    anagrams and juxtaposed characters. Suggestions for adn (and) and teh
    (the) surprised me by being lower down the list of suggestions, with some
    poor suggestions ahead of it. Maybe this is too far away from
    spellchecking is more about correcting my typing errors than anything and
    ispell is not abiwords fault. I am certainly looking forward to enchant
    and being able to use myspell (and aspell?) which hopefully will be
    better, or at least are actively developed and might listen to user

    I noticed changing document properties fails to mark the
    document as dirty, but it seemed too familiar:

    If you make a selection the characters jiggle around, it looks as if the
    kerning might be being recalculated all the time but i assume this is part
    of the big character handling problem holding back the 2.0 release for

    I pasted a few times at the end of a document to generate a bunch of
    nonsense text and then cut it. the redraw did not work properly, chunks
    of the text were still shown. i notice that this does not happens if I
    delete the whole paragraphy but only if i delete from the end to the
    middle of a word. If anyone is interested I'll try and more rigorously
    replicate and report the problem in bugzilla.

    Please let me know if these are all windows specific problmes, and if
    the changes I suggested to the spelling dialog would be appropriate.


    Alan Horkan

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