Re: bidi in win32graphics

From: Stephen Viles (
Date: Mon Sep 22 2003 - 04:20:56 EDT

  • Next message: "commit: (HEAD) Quick printing and Display footnotes in normal mode."

    22/09/03 4:10:28 PM, wrote:
    >> Printed to console with UT_DEBUGMSG:
    >> XAP_App::BIDI_SUPPORT_NONE == 0
    >> XAP_App::BIDI_SUPPORT_GUI == 1
    >> XAP_App::BIDI_SUPPORT_FULL == 2
    >> XAP_App::getApp()->theOSHasBidiSupport() == 9704640
    >> This helps explain why my Win98SE platform is executing line 499 even
    >> though the test at line 477 should cause it to go straight to line 515.
    >This is very strange, because AFAICS the bidi capabilities are correctly
    >initialised in xap_Win32App constructor. So, this should only happen if
    >theOSHasBidiSupport() is called before the class constructor is

    Here is the context of the first assert (apologies for wrapping to 80 chars):

    warning: zoom is set to 75

    warning: SEVIOR: Doing Populate Section in DocListener

    warning: fl_DocListener::populateStrux for '(null)'

    warning: SEVIOR: Doing Populate DocSection in DocListener

    warning: column order: ltr

    warning: BlockLayout 990900 created

    warning: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Created Page 992f50

    warning: Doing ColumnBreak for section 985520 at page 0

    warning: Doing ColumnBreak for section 985520 at page 0

    warning: added font widths to cache for font with hashkey 'MS Sans Serif-13-400-

    warning: GR_Win32CharWidths::_retrieveFontInfo: no ranges in font!!!

    warning: GR_Win32CharWidths::_retrieveFontInfo: range 0x0000 - 0xffffffff

    warning: XAP_App::BIDI_SUPPORT_NONE == 0
    warning: XAP_App::BIDI_SUPPORT_GUI == 1
    warning: XAP_App::BIDI_SUPPORT_FULL == 2
    warning: XAP_App::getApp()->theOSHasBidiSupport() == 9704640

    Note that the value of getApp()->theOSHasBidiSupport() is the same on the
    second execution. I'm not sure if this has any significance.

    Cheers =

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Mon Sep 22 2003 - 04:33:07 EDT