Re: EV_TBIT_ComboBox vs. EV_TBIT_DropDown

From: Mikey Cooper <>
Date: Thu Dec 16 2004 - 14:52:24 CET

Jordi Mas wrote:

> Hi folks,
> At ev_Toolbar_Actions.h we have a description of the toolbar item
> types EV_TBIT_ComboBox and EV_TBIT_DropDown:
> EV_TBIT_DropDown = 5, /* list box w/no text entry */
> EV_TBIT_ComboBox = 6, /* list box w/ text entry */
> It sounds correct to me. DropDown is a listbox with no text entry (a
> regular ListBox control under Win32) and ComboBox is a listbox with
> item editing (am ComboBox under Win32).

Just want to make sure we're all using the same common terminology
here... I don't see a DropDown as a regular ListBox control, but a
ComboBox control with text-entry editing turned off. I had always
thought a common ListBox control was a list of multiple items where you
select and highlight one or more directly in the list (such as the "Set
Language" dialog in win32). A DropDown (aka ComboBox with the inability
to directly edit the text entry field. isn't this acutally called the
DropDown style of a ComboBox control?), would be something more like the
Alignment field on FormatParagraph.

The comment above should probably be changed from "/* list box w/no text
entry */" to something more along the lines of " /* list box w/ text
entry disabled */" to avoid confusion.

Received on Thu Dec 16 14:56:35 2004

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