Re: Updates for AbiWord Manual: Does someone want to commit these?

From: Mark Gilbert (
Date: Sat Mar 13 2004 - 09:11:04 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Updates for AbiWord Manual: Does someone want to commit these?"

    On Sat, 2004-03-13 at 08:42, Marc Maurer wrote:
    > > > Should I update the screenshots used in the tutorials and UI guides?
    > >
    > > If something changed it couldn't hurt.
    > Do we have a standard for this? Ie. mixing Win32 and GTK screenshots for example would be quite inconsistent...
    > If not, maybe we (read: Ryan) should write one...

    In theory the dlgs should be almost entirely consistent but if the
    screenshots are annotated, or if in cases of substantial differentiation
    both are presented as minimalistically as possibly, it doesn't matter.
    And whoever's writing the documentation should use whatever is most
    convenient and if another shot is necessary it can always be added later
    by someone on the appropriate platform. Function over form, as dom said
    in irc about the docs just last night.

    If you have a specific instance to point out where the above 'policy' is
    inadequate, I'd be more than happy to take a look at it with you and
    draft a more comprehensive policy and add it to howtodocs.abw.

    Thanks for bringing that up though

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