commit: abi & abipbx: FV_View methods and new CocoaAbi Properties palette

From: Francis James Franklin <>
Date: Sun Oct 24 2004 - 20:36:53 CEST

Couldn't find what I wanted in FV_View so I've written 3 new methods,
but I've marked these as experimental for now because I want to make
sure they work.

o FV_View: add three new methods:
- getAllAttrProp: get all properties associated with current location
- queryCharFormat: determine whether a property is specified explicitly
o normal.awt template location code in PD_Document was not fully XP
o CocoaAbi
- add new property inspector palette to tool palette
- add switches to indicate whether color&bgcolor are set explicitly
- only include files containing substring ".awt" in template list
- new icon associated with .bak~ and .CRASHED extensions
CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
CVS: Committing in .
CVS: Modified Files:
CVS: src/af/xap/cocoa/xap_CocoaToolPalette.h
CVS: src/af/xap/cocoa/
CVS: src/af/xap/cocoa/xap_CocoaToolPalette.nib/classes.nib
CVS: src/af/xap/cocoa/xap_CocoaToolPalette.nib/info.nib
CVS: src/af/xap/cocoa/xap_CocoaToolPalette.nib/keyedobjects.nib
CVS: src/text/fmt/xp/fv_View.cpp src/text/fmt/xp/fv_View.h
CVS: src/text/ptbl/xp/pd_Document.cpp
CVS: src/wp/ap/cocoa/
CVS: src/wp/main/cocoa/bundle/Info.plist
CVS: Added Files:
CVS: src/wp/main/cocoa/bundle/AbiStops.icns

o add AbiStops.icns to project
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CVS: Committing in .
CVS: Modified Files:
CVS: abipbx2.pbproj/project.pbxproj

Regards, Frank
Received on Sun Oct 24 20:37:58 2004

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