Re: building abicocoa from HEAD

From: Hubert Figuiere <>
Date: Wed Sep 22 2004 - 16:04:07 CEST

On Wed, 2004-09-22 at 21:33 +1000, James Whitwell wrote:
> Bit more info. When I run it from xcode and hit command-W (close
> window), I get this in the "Run Log" window:
> DEBUG: Unrecognized selector:noop:
> Which looks like an objc error to me. Other shortcut keys work (cmd-
> Q
> to quit for example), so it could be some of the menu items aren't
> correctly hooked up.

Nope. The menu problem is clearly identified. But I'm not sure there is
an easy fix.

The problem is mostly that due to the dynamic nature of menu I have to
set up shortcut during [NSMenu validateMenu] (or whatever its name is)
which is called when pulling down menus. I wish there was an easy way to
make this being called, but apparently not, unless I use private APIs,
which I never intended to.

The message above is in my code. Look at XAP_CocoaTextView class.


Crazy French -
Received on Wed Sep 22 16:07:30 2004

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