Re: TWiki Webmaster

From: Randy Kramer <>
Date: Thu Aug 25 2005 - 19:32:43 CEST

Hello, Hubert,

Sorry I took so long to reply. When I first drafted this it was as a post to
the entire list. I decided to send it to you only. (Therefore the wording
may seem a little strange at some points.)

Randy Kramer

On Tuesday 23 August 2005 10:35 am, Hubert Figuiere wrote:
> Well, since nobody want to move to subversion, perhaps I can just move
> away from TWiki and install a more friendly product like MediaWiki

Do you consider MediaWiki more user friendly, more editor friendly, more
adminstrator friendly or some combination of the three? (Or something else?)

Are there better spam control features?

Not being an AbiWord developer, I feel at least a little bit [sensitive |
defensive | reluctant | something] about resisting any direction the
developers may want to move in. So, if there is a consensus among the
developers that it is appropriate to change wikis (or you wish to run a poll
or something similar to determine a consensus), have at it.

I might enjoy spending some time playing with a MediaWiki installation, but I
don't expect to learn as much about it as I already know about the (older)
version of TWiki we're currently using.

Nor do I expect to spend much time period--my current project interest is sort
of a clone of an askSam/TWiki hybrid and I'm spending my time there. (Maybe
a way to describe it (with tongue in cheek) is something that inherits from
askSam, TWiki, and a bunch of other things.)

As I've mentioned before, I don't know that MediaWiki supports anything like
the "formatted search" feature which is what is used to automatically add new
FAQ pages to the FAQ main page.

An alternate approach would be to install a more up-to-date version of TWiki,
but I have to admit that I haven't attempted to use some of the newer
features (like the new template system (for "look and feel")), nor attempted
to install a newer version of TWiki. Some people think the installation
process has improved., and I know that the development effort is working on
dealing with spam.

If you feel compelled to install a MediaWiki, maybe it would be appropriate to
install it in parallel with the existing TWiki, start to move some content
over, and see how difficult (or easy) it is, what problems arise, etc., and
eventually phase one or the other out.

Randy Kramer
Received on Thu Aug 25 19:21:26 2005

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