Re: OpenDocument patch - Support for numbered lists

From: Daniel d'Andrada Tenório de Carvalho <>
Date: Thu Aug 25 2005 - 14:45:54 CEST

Hi Alan,

Alan Horkan wrote:
> I thought it was OpenOffice that was missing list functionality Abiword
> provided rather than the other way around. So perhaps if you can spare
> some time to explain how the lists in Abiword are lacking in some ways the
> developer might be able to more easily improve things on the abiword side
> than you think.

The main things that OpenDocument has and AbiWord don't:

1- Bullet lists where the bullet itself is an arbitrary image.

2- Bullet lists where the bullet itself is an arbitrary character.
        *On AbiWord you have only fixed types of bullets

The other things are due to different concepts on how lists show be done
and due to the very nature of the document/file format itself.

If you guys alow me, I would be happy to sniff around on how to
implement the second item.

Best Regards,
Daniel d'Andrada T. de Carvalho - INdT
Received on Thu Aug 25 14:48:22 2005

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