Re: 2.4 feature list: preferences reworking

From: J.M. Maurer <>
Date: Mon Jan 10 2005 - 14:13:35 CET

> Is there a way to revert to application defaults without having to
> delete AbiWord.profile? For that matter, what *are* the defaults? We
> developers know the answer, but do the users? Should they?

For the record: i don't.

> Something that I want to enable is to allow plugins and exporters to
> add sections to the preferences dialog (or its helper classes). The
> HTML export options dialog seemed like a good idea at the time but most
> of the time it's a nuisance and these options (and, generally speaking,
> any simple options) could be added relatively easily to a dynamically
> generated section of the preferences dialog.

Hmm. This could be nice, but on the other hand, a lot of users expect a
dialog to popup on export to choose the settings they need. So it might
be puzzling at first to 'hide' them in the preferences dialog.

> Finally, the Abiword.profile file format really needs to be more
> flexible. Having all the values as attributes verges on the insane and
> I would like to develop a better format (still XML, of course).

As long as we have some form of backwards compatibility (or being able
to detect the old format and automatically generating the new format
based on the old preferences), then this sounds fine.

Received on Mon Jan 10 14:08:23 2005

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