Re: documentation questions

From: Hubert Figuiere <>
Date: Sun Jan 16 2005 - 03:20:37 CET

On Sun, 2005-01-16 at 02:50 +0100, J.M. Maurer wrote:

> Not an overhaul, but extending it. Currently, the documentation is in
> AbiWord format. You can move it to DocBook XML now, or in the future. It
> doesn't really matter *when* you are moving it.
> I would be great if someone would be willing to move it to DocBook XML
> now, but that would depend solely on the effort people are willing to
> make. If 'they' want to do it, then that would be great. If they just
> want to extend the current documentation in abw format, then that is
> great too.

What is wrong with using AbiWord ?
Seriously, not using AbiWord for our own purpose shows that we are just
lame and don't even trust own thing. "Eat your own dog food".

Don't we have revisions in AbiWord now ? Then we should use that, so
that translator could look at the difference. There is no miracle to
that. For the rest, we can just write exporters, to export like Apple
Help (HTML + some weirdo tags) or to Microsoft Help.


Crazy French -
Received on Sun Jan 16 03:22:10 2005

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