Re: Windows/OSX build of link-grammar

From: Ryan Pavlik <>
Date: Sat Jul 23 2005 - 04:47:02 CEST wrote:

>Hi everyone,
> Probabally our biggest feature for 2.4 is our grammar checker.
>However as things currently stand this will only be available
>for the unix build.
>I'm pretty sure that it would not be too hard to make the grammar checker
>available for windows and OSX. We just need Windows/OSX dev's make builds
>of our link-grammar module and then hook it up to the link-grammar plugin.
>I think the main work will be to get the paths to the dictionaries correct.
>Is there anyone who can do this?
>(It would be great the have the maths plugin too but I've given up hoping
>for windows and OSX ports of GtkMathView any time soon.)
If I recall correctly, quite a while ago, I got link-grammar to build,
but had trouble building the plugin on Windows due to missing makefile
or somesuch nonsense. I shall try again, and hopefully not try to build
it like it's Linux now that I've built more Linux than Windows
recently... (my Windows build is much more popular though, given that
it's distributed :D )

Received on Sat Jul 23 04:47:51 2005

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