Voting gone? Shouldn't we change the web site then?

From: Randy Kramer <>
Date: Wed Jun 08 2005 - 16:10:23 CEST

IIUC, bugzilla voting is no longer allowed/supported? If so, shouldn't this
page be changed:

I suggest change rather than delete because I'm always in favor of
 maintaining history--I might add a line at the top that says something like,
 "voting is no longer supported, because ...., but this is what we had at one
 time:". (In TWiki such is much easier, as (usually, i.e., absent bugs, a
 revision history is preserved).)

I'm searching the TWiki to see what we say about voting there, but probably
won't change anything there pending confirmation / better understanding,
perhaps as a response to this email--Ok, found two pages with a reference to
Bugzilla voting:


I suspect we can change the last "clause" of the first sentence to just read
"--if not, add it."

"If you want to report a bug or request an enhancement, learn how to use
Bugzilla (it's easy), then search Bugzilla to see if your bug / RFE is
already listed -- if yes, "vote" for it, if no, add it. See Bugzilla. "


I suspect that the 2nd sentence in this paragraph can simply be deleted:

"See for more information about
reporting bugs. Another one of the things you can do is vote for bugs you
would like to see fixed — sometimes a developer will pick up a highly ranked
bug that he might otherwise not be interested in."

If no one objects, or makes these or similar changes, I'll make the changes
 in a few days.

Randy Kramer
Received on Wed Jun 8 16:10:23 2005

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