commit: Initial commit of AbiCollab

From: Martin Sevior <>
Date: Fri Jun 10 2005 - 06:30:42 CEST

CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
CVS: Committing in .
CVS: Added Files:
CVS: abicollab/ abicollab/plugin.m4
CVS: abicollab/xp/AbiCollab.cpp abicollab/xp/AbiCollab.h
CVS: abicollab/xp/
Initial commit of abicollab

Ok this is the initial commit of the AbiCollab collaboration tool.

You can get and build the plugin with a checkout from CVS with

>From within the abiword-plugins module

cvs -d update

will give you the abicollab plugin

You should then build the plugin with the commands:

 ./configure --prefix=/home/msevior/abidir --with-abiword=../abi-
unstable --enable-debug --disable-all --enable-abicollab

make install

Where --prefix is root directory where your abiword is built and --with-
abiword is the directory that contains the source of your abiword tree.

If everything works correctly a "Collaborate" menu item will appear in
your "file" region of the main menu.

If you select this all operations of the piecetable will be echo'd in
DEBUGMSG's on the console.

The primary purpose of the plugin is to demonstrate how we can export
all operations on the document and to get Matthew Colyer started.

The code is really really simple for now and contains a massive memory
leak. The document listener is not deleted upon deleting the document.

I have not made a single change to the AbiWord tree.

There are various ways to fix this but I don;t want to worry about these
for now. As I said the primary aim is to get Matthew started while the
rest of us fix bugs and for AbiWord-2.4

It only took me a few hours to hack this together. I think it is worth
doing his now so Matthew has something to work until AbiWord-2.5 is

Matthew, look at the methods:


So see how PieceTable changes are propagated out into the plugin. We can
put code inside these methods to marshall these calls into notification
we transmit over a network to a receiver.


Received on Fri Jun 10 04:32:05 2005

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