Commit: Make "Insert Equation" be a submenu.

From: <>
Date: Sun Mar 06 2005 - 03:39:47 CET

VS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
CVS: Committing in .
CVS: Modified Files:
CVS: abigrammar/linkgrammarwrap/LinkGrammarWrap.cpp
CVS: abimathview/xp/AbiMathView.cpp
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Make "Equation" be a submenu with "From File" and "From Latex"

The original "From File" works as before. Later "From Latex" will pop-up a
CLI dialog and allow the user to type in a latex expression. This will be
translated by the itex2MML program into MathML and inserted into AbiWord.

I plan to also install the raw latex as a data-item associated with the
MathML (like the png image represensation) so we can edit the math.

This will be *really* useful for me (and many other scientists). I know
latex like the back of my hand so typing and editting latex is simple for
me. So now I will shortly be able to enter and edit maths in my documents
in the most easy and obvious way possible.

We'll need some sort of graphical dialog for "ordinary" users (not that
many need maths) but we can just a new menu item in the "Insert Equation"


Received on Sun Mar 6 03:41:14 2005

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