Re: Commit: Make "Insert Equation" be a submenu.

From: Ryan Pavlik <>
Date: Sun Mar 06 2005 - 04:31:59 CET wrote:

>VS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
>CVS: Committing in .
>CVS: Modified Files:
>CVS: abigrammar/linkgrammarwrap/LinkGrammarWrap.cpp
>CVS: abimathview/xp/AbiMathView.cpp
>CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>Make "Equation" be a submenu with "From File" and "From Latex"
>The original "From File" works as before. Later "From Latex" will pop-up a
>CLI dialog and allow the user to type in a latex expression. This will be
>translated by the itex2MML program into MathML and inserted into AbiWord.
>I plan to also install the raw latex as a data-item associated with the
>MathML (like the png image represensation) so we can edit the math.
>This will be *really* useful for me (and many other scientists). I know
>latex like the back of my hand so typing and editting latex is simple for
>me. So now I will shortly be able to enter and edit maths in my documents
>in the most easy and obvious way possible.
>We'll need some sort of graphical dialog for "ordinary" users (not that
>many need maths) but we can just a new menu item in the "Insert Equation"
Alright, LaTeX! One question... is this translation program going to
add one more dependency that will need to be ported? I can't tell you
how much I'd love to be able to sling LaTeX in Abi, but I am afraid that
time might be too short to get GkMathView and this new program ported to
Windows by 2.4. Please try! :)

Ryan Pavlik
"Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses."  --Confucius
Received on Sun Mar 6 04:33:05 2005

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