RE: Commit (HEAD): Update win32 image dialog w/ tight-wrap options

From: Dom Lachowicz <>
Date: Mon Mar 07 2005 - 19:36:54 CET

> Not if you special case this particular situation...

You don't want to special-case this, since people do
want to print non-tightly-wrapped images that have
alpha channels in them. I suppose that we could build
on top of the bounding box calculation code to
generate a PS clippath and apply that to the printing
of *all* RGBA images to PS. But I'd say fuckkit -
Gnome Print already does the job, and does it well. It
has the side effect of also fixing our font embedding
problems, giving our Unix users print-preview and
direct to PDF printing.

Adding another feature to our PS driver is a
maintainabilty nightmare. No one understands the code
nor does anyone want to go near it. Rather than
futzing with broken, unmaintainable code, we could use
this great piece of working code right over here...


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Received on Mon Mar 7 19:38:55 2005

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