Re: CJK line breaking

From: Roland Kay <>
Date: Fri Mar 11 2005 - 11:00:51 CET

Hi Marc,

Thanks for your comments. I'm trying to make it fit in, but I'm not that
familiar with the code structure as a whole.

> Could you s/can_break_at/canBreakAt ? The underscores are very C-like in
> our cool C++ code.

XAP_EncodingManager::can_break_at() is not my function. It was originally
defined in xap_EncodingManager.cpp using that name. I just changed what it
did so I didn't change the name. Do you want me to?

> I see that you made it a static void function. Why
> not place it conveniently in a GR_Graphics::canBreakAt() function?

It's not defined "static void". It's defined as a normal member
function returning "bool". It's called from GR_Graphics::canBreak(). Tomas
asked me to put the functionality in xap_EncodingManager.cpp rather than
gr_Graphics.cpp. Do you mean westernCanBreakAt? That's defined static
because it's only ever called from can_break_at(). It's only job is to
make the code easier to read.

> Furthermore, I see that you are #if 0-ing or commenting out existing
> code. Just remove the old crap it if it is not needed anymore (ie.
> reworked by your patch)! ;-)


> Another thingy: don't use functions like snprintf on fixed arrays (not
> even for debugging code). We've writting classes like UT_UTF8String and
> corresponding UT_UTF8String_snprintf functions that will magically
> prevent any possible overflowing from occuring.

OK. I'll have a look. Thanks for the tip.

Best wishes,

Received on Fri Mar 11 11:08:25 2005

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