Re: Redo consistent keybindings for all. Ctrl+Shift+Z

From: Alan Horkan <>
Date: Tue Mar 15 2005 - 03:05:32 CET

> I would have to disagree, and vote for maintaining the original
> keybinding. Parity with the rest of the platform, especially with
> accelerators/keybindings that the user may use without looking up first,
> should take priority over parity within all the frontends of AbiWord
> across platforms.

That was my first thought and I'd be fine with that (although Frank might
have to put up with some extra complaints from Mac users) but given the
recent discussions of the future direction of abiword I thought it might
not be such a bad idea to make the change on all platforms.

I think it makes a lot of sense to have
Undo Ctrl+Z and then have a similar binding for a similar action
Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z

(the logic behind Ctrl+Y was supposed that Y comes before Z)

> The "old Microsoft keybinding" (which I think is also
> the old pre-X Apple one, coincidentally) is the one used in all Windows
> apps that act like Windows apps, and to break the trend would provide an
> unneccessary barrier to adoption. A platform migration changes a good
> deal more than keybindings, so this doesn't worry me in that aspect, and
> users who regularily use both platforms I reckon would be familiar with
> both guidelines.

Either way I'd like to "Keep Abiword Consistent" as much as possible.


Alan Horkan
Received on Tue Mar 15 03:05:10 2005

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