CJK patch (was Re: pango)

From: Roland Kay <roland.kay_at_ox.compsoc.net>
Date: Mon Mar 21 2005 - 07:16:01 CET

Hi Thep,

It's been rather hectic here this last week so I haven't been able to make a
start on generalising the patch. I might have a bit of time in the next few
days, although I was beginning to think it was all going to be made obsolete
by Tomas' pango work. :-)

The idea of the patch is to provide proper line breaking rules for CJK
languages, initially, but in principle for any script. I only know one
non-western language though, so I don't know how general it needs to be. Also,
as I understand things it is only a stop-gap measure until Pango support is
implemented so it's probably not worth worrying about Sanskrit or anything too

Is this likely to be an issue for you? Are the line breaking rules for
Thai substantially different from those for English? If they are, would you be
able to briefly describe them? It would also help if you could send me a test
document with some representative Thai text and suggest some fonts that will
enable me to read it.

Best wishes,

Received on Mon Mar 21 07:18:49 2005

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