Embedding goffice charts in abiword

From: Jean Bréfort <jean.brefort_at_normalesup.org>
Date: Wed Mar 23 2005 - 11:38:56 CET


I see several ways we might want to add charts in abi (unix version):

- incorporate charts using a guru, with data from abiword. This can be
done if we call goffice graph guru. The appropriate function is:

GtkWidget *gog_guru (GogGraph *graph, GogDataAllocator *dalloc,
                     GOCmdContext *cc, GtkWindow *toplevel,
                     GClosure *closure);

The most difficult part here is GogDataAllocator (and I am going to
start working on it soon). What we need is (simplifying) a widget to
choose the data needed for the graph. These data might be a row/column
from a table or comma separated values.

- copy / paste (or drag and drop) a chart from gnumeric with static
values. We need to define a format for the clipboard data and implement
it on both sides. The result will be a chart as described above with
data as a list of static values.

- copy / paste (or drag and drop) a chart from gnumeric with reference
to the values in the gnumeric workbook. This is typically a component
problem and is much more difficult. I don't see any mechanism we might
use for now. Bonobo will be deprecated and D-Bus is not yet mature
enough. May be we could use libgnumeric when available.

Best regards,
Received on Wed Mar 23 11:49:13 2005

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