Re: Embedding goffice charts in abiword

From: <>
Date: Wed Mar 23 2005 - 14:32:29 CET

> Hi,
> I see several ways we might want to add charts in abi (unix version):
> - incorporate charts using a guru, with data from abiword. This can be
> done if we call goffice graph guru. The appropriate function is:
> GtkWidget *gog_guru (GogGraph *graph, GogDataAllocator *dalloc,
> GOCmdContext *cc, GtkWindow *toplevel,
> GClosure *closure);
> The most difficult part here is GogDataAllocator (and I am going to
> start working on it soon). What we need is (simplifying) a widget to
> choose the data needed for the graph. These data might be a row/column
> from a table or comma separated values.

OK Lets get started with this and we can work out the others later.

How about we provide a menu item (provided via plugin) that says "Create

If the user has a valid selection already (some numbers in CSV or tab
seperated form or a row or column from a table), the Chart Guru is spawned
with this data already loaded. The data used by the chart is the selection
from the document.

You could also have a menu item "Update Chart". If the user already has a
valid selection, you update the chart with the numbers in the selection.

Otherwise you pop up a dialog, "select numbers from your document".

User selects number from a table row, column, CSV list etc, then presses
"OK" data is inserted into the chart.

I can help you with the AbiWord part. It's not hard at all.

I agree with robsta that it would be great to just gnumeric as only means
of manipulating numbers, but we have to start somewhere. Users ARE able to
copy and paste gnumeric data into table is abiword so the connection is
not totally lost.

There are also plenty of "Stand Alone" use cases. Often people have tables
of data in their document that they wish to display graphically. In that
case it makes perfect sense to just use AbiWord.

I'm really looking forward to this :-)


> - copy / paste (or drag and drop) a chart from gnumeric with static
> values. We need to define a format for the clipboard data and implement
> it on both sides. The result will be a chart as described above with
> data as a list of static values.
> - copy / paste (or drag and drop) a chart from gnumeric with reference
> to the values in the gnumeric workbook. This is typically a component
> problem and is much more difficult. I don't see any mechanism we might
> use for now. Bonobo will be deprecated and D-Bus is not yet mature
> enough. May be we could use libgnumeric when available.
> Best regards,
> Jean
Received on Wed Mar 23 14:37:17 2005

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