Re: commit (head): cjk patch

From: Roland Kay <>
Date: Fri Mar 25 2005 - 12:48:07 CET

Here's a very small patch which fixes a bug in the previous CJK line
breaking patch. This changes the behaviour from always returning true when
asked about breaking after the last character in the document to always
returning false instead.

Returning true led to the LineBreaker trying to split after the last
character resulting in a fatal assert.

To see this start abiword set the font size to "72" (so you don't have to
type too much) and type "Can I crash Abiword?". This should wrap onto the
second line. Then delete characters one after another. When you get to the
'b', or there abouts, you should see the assert.

In general, is this behaviour on the part of the LineBreaker sensible?
Should a line breaking algorithm that returns true for the last character
in the document crash abi? Algorithms that only consider a single
character may well do this, although fortunately it doesn't happen with
standard English rules.

Best wishes,


Received on Fri Mar 25 12:51:17 2005

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