Re: commit: abi (BOTH): CocoaAbi menu of font names in own fonts

From: J.M. Maurer <>
Date: Mon Mar 28 2005 - 20:45:22 CEST

> > Give me 1 good reason why this is a good thing.
> The functionality should be different when the need is
> different.
> For example, it should be possible for AbiWord on OSX
> to integrate with the System Services. Abi on OSX
> should integrate with AppleScript. Abi on Windows
> doesn't have a need for these things. The
> functionality is different. This is a good thing.


> Should the functionality of the "Format Frame" dialog
> differ between platforms? No, probably not. But if
> that's all this thread is about...

There are more examples, and they are committed without real
notification, and I've seen them implemented in platform only code (the
addition of a totally different Options dialog for OSX only comes to

It is managable now, but it won't be in the future if we continue on
this road.

> Should FJF's font menu stay on MacOS? Maybe. I've seen
> other MacOS WPs do that, and the people I talked to
> seemed to like it.

Can't argue on this one, as I don't own a mac, and don't know the user's

> Here, the user's needs/expectations
> differ, and we should allow FJF a wide berth to play
> around with things as he wishes, so that our MacOS
> users get the best experience we can possibly give
> them.

Up to a point yes.

But new ideas/features that are good for OSX users could also be good
for *nix and Windows users. If it is hidden in the OSX only port (hidden
as in "I can't see it without learning how to read obj-c"), then how can
I find out?

Received on Mon Mar 28 20:39:49 2005

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