XIM issue

From: Roland Kay <roland.kay_at_ox.compsoc.net>
Date: Thu Mar 31 2005 - 03:13:12 CEST

I've just submitted a patch to bugzilla for #8672:


This deals with behaviour that is minor, but still extremely annoying for
people typing in languages that require Input Methods (e.g. Chinese, Japanese,
Korean and probably others). The problem is that the IM is disabled as soon as
the focus leaves the document frame. This means that if you're typing Chinese
and you switch to bold font by clicking the button in the toolbar then unless
you remember to move the mouse back to where you were typing then anything you
enter will come out in roman letters rather than Chinese characters.

The problem is that focusIMIn() and focusIMOut() are called when the mouse
pointer enters and leaves the document frame as well as the abiword window as a
whole. This means focusIMOut() is called twice when the focus leaves abiword and
focusIMIn() twice when the focus comes back again. The patch removes the pair of
calls for the document frame which means that CJK scripts can be input as long
as abiword has the focus, as is the case for English.

Is this likely to cause any problems?

Best wishes,

Received on Thu Mar 31 03:15:58 2005

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